Drum Lessons in Nottingham
Offering a range of professional services to the creative industries
Music Services
Remote Drum Recording - Learn More
‣ Professional drum tracks recorded for clients anywhere in the world
Production and Mixing
‣ VST and audio production, arranging, mixing and EQing
Composition and Production
‣ Audio and instrumental composition for mixed media
‣ Snare drum, drum kit, and percussion repertoire and etudes
‣ Full project management, from concept to full-ensemble recording
Engraving and Score Production - Learn More
‣ High quality production of music scores
‣ Production of spiralbound workbooks and digital PDFs

Education Services
Masterclasses and Seminars
‣ Bespoke masterclasses on rhythm, composition, and technique to the educational environment
Professional Consultation
‣ Tailored consultation focused on working within the creative industries
Instrumental Tuition
‣ One-to-one and group tuition on the drum kit and snare drum, given in a classroom environment or over the internet